Reverse File Names

Reverse File Names is a free tool for reversing file names directly from the Windows Explorer context menu. Right click a file in the Windows Explorer, choose “Reverse File Name” and the file will be renamed by reversing the file name. For example a file named “10 eliFelpmaS.txt” will be renamed into “SampleFile 01.txt”.

Reverse File Names: Windows Explorer context menu integration

Reverse File Names: Windows Explorer context menu integration

Looking for a desktop version? Check out our Rename File Names Desktop Edition page.


Reverse File Names is released as freeware (not as free or open source software). Reverse File Names contains no advertisement, in-app purchases, hidden fees, or disabled functionality. The usage of Reverse File Names is licensed to you for free in accordance with the terms and conditions as described in our End User License Agreement (EULA).


Reverse File Names is designed for usage without installation. For using Reverse File Names simply unzip the downloaded file and double click the Reverse File Names executable once. Choose “Add to Windows Explorer Context Menu” and you can use Reverse File Names directly from the Windows Explorer context menu (right mouse click on a file). To remove Reverse File Names from the Windows Explorer double click the Reverse File Names executable again and choose “Remove from Windows Explorer Context Menu”.

Reverse File Names: Windows Explorer context menu integration

Make sure not to move or delete the Reverse File Names executable as long as Reverse File Names is integrated in the Windows Explorer context menu. Moving or deleting the executable will break the Windows Explorer integration.

Issues and limitations

Reverse File Names v1.0x is still in development. The short list below shows currently known issues and limitations:

  • 32 bit Windows (x86) is not supported.
  • Support for obsolete Windows versions like XP, NT4, 2000 and Vista will not be implemented.
  • Reverse File Names Context menu item is limited to 15 files (default Windows explorer value).

Download Reverse File Names

Reverse File Names is available for download as a “ZIP” archive. Unzip Reverse File Names to any folder you prefer using the build-in Windows decompressor or a free archiver tool like 7-ZIP. Double click “ReverseFileName.exe” after extracting the ZIP archive to add Reverse File Names to the Windows Explorer context menu.

Version: 1.0.1
License: Freeware (EULA)
Document format: ZIP archive
File size: 1.02 MB
Release date: 2020-03-12
Downloads: 6880
Platform: Windows x64
MD5 Hash: 7455e3291530c735336cfd897cf1a157
SHA1 Hash: 03258a255a6296a0188ba083f861082dd5d84835
SHA256 Hash: 7b8b2315bd69b7aae5922df393e224f76d80beaba3abad2afc2d5a06bbfa884d

To verify the integrity of the “Reverse File Names 1.0.1” ZIP archive check the MD5, SHA-1 or SHA-256 checksum after download by using a Hash calculator. See our Windows built-in MD5 and SHA checksum calculator page for how to use the default Windows hash calculators. If you prefer to use a tool with a Graphical User Interface please take a look at Hash Tool, available for free in the Microsoft Store.

No warranties

Reverse File Names is provided “As Is”, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

In no event does No Nonsens inc. authorise the use of “Reverse File Names” in applications or systems where “Reverse File Names” failure to perform can reasonably be expected to result in a significant physical injury, or in loss of life. Any such use by you is entirely at your own risk, and you agree to hold No Nonsens inc. harmless from any claims or losses relating to such unauthorised use.

Read more about terms and conditions in our End User License Agreement (EULA).


We are excited to hear your thoughts about Reverse File Names. If you have a question, need support or if you have a request about Reverse File Names just let us know by using the “leave a reply fields” below. If you prefer to contact us privately please use our contact form.

8 thoughts on “Reverse File Names”

    1. By using Reverse File Names:

    2. Double click the executable ReverseFileName.exe and choose Remove From Windows Explorer Context Menu.
    3. Delete the executable ReverseFileName.exe from your hard-drive.

    5. Open the Registry Editor and delete key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\*\shell\Reverse File Name\.
    6. Delete the executable ReverseFileName.exe from your hard-drive.
    1. Thanks for your feedback, we will look into your request, however, this might take a while.

  1. I’m running windows 7 64 bit; I’ve d/l and installed this program. But, when I right click the file/folder? I get all kinds of stuff in a drop down menu. But, guess what’s missing. Yep, your software. Nowhere around. I’ve d/;l and installed it several times, it’s showing up in that windows context menu. But, I cannot find where I can reverse the names on files/folders

    1. Just select the file(s) to rename, right click on these files for the context menu to appear and select Reverse File Names. Note that Windows limits the amount of files you can select at once. If you select more than 15 files the context menu entry will be hidden by Windows.

      1. It never would work for my windows 7 machine. So now I’ve got 10, same problem, d/l, double click and install and wow!!! Same problem as before. Right click a folder and it doesn’t show. Did it over and over uninstall, reinstall, confirm that I want the app and tried over and over, finally I just gave up. Is there another program like this out there that’ll reverse the file names? I’m trying to set up my ebooks with the last name, first name set up so that the ebooks are easier to find by authors.

        1. Thanks for your feedback. I’m afraid the program does not work the way you intent to use it. It has not been designed to work in that way and as a result it will not live up to your expectations.

          First of all, you can only use Reverse File Names with individual files (up to 15 at a time). The Reverse File Name option will not be available when you select a folder. If you select one or more files in the right explorer pane and right mouse click on your selection you will find the Reverse File Name option in the context menu.

          Secondly, Reverse File Name will reverse all characters in a file name, it does not reverse the order of complete words. For example a file name like Basic Training For Dummies.pdf will result in seimmuD roF gniniarT cisaB.pdf, not in Dummies For Training Basic.pdf.

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